

mesquite软件 美国德州有哪些城市

  • 作者: 率德布耀布耀德ljw
  • 来源: 51数据库
  • 2020-04-20


休斯敦(Houston),是美国德克萨斯州的第一大城,全美国第四大城市,墨西哥湾沿岸最大的经济中心。面积为1,440平方公里,市名是以当年德克萨斯共和国总统山姆·休斯敦(Sam Houston)命名的。休斯敦是哈里斯县(全国第三大县)的县城。休斯敦在密苏里市的东面,西南部分伸入福遍县,东北一小部分伸入蒙哥马利县。


圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)位于美国德克萨斯州中南部,面积约1205平方公里,是德克萨斯州第二大城市,美国人口第七多城市。圣安东尼奥最早为美洲印第安人聚居地。1691年,西班牙探险者和传教士来此定居。18世纪中期,发展为德克萨斯最大的西班牙人定居点。19世纪中期,德克萨斯与墨西哥军队间爆发了包括阿拉莫之战在内的一系列战斗,德克萨斯军队战败。1845年,美墨战争爆发,美国吞并德克萨斯。美国内战后,该地成为美著名牲畜交易中心和边界城市。


达拉斯市(Dallas),是位于美国得克萨斯州的一个城市,该市与沃斯堡、阿灵顿组成达拉斯-沃斯堡(DFW)大都会,覆盖12个县,总人口687万人(2010年数据),是美国南方第一大都会。达拉斯(Dallas),是美国德克萨斯州第三大城市,美国第九大城市,达拉斯县首府,城市面积385平方英里(997平方千米)。也是The University of Texas at Dallas的所在地。




梅斯基特(Mesquite, Texas)是美国得克萨斯州东北部的一个城市,属达拉斯县和考夫曼县。面积112.6平方公里,2006年人口为131,447人。1873年5月22日开埠,1887年12月3日设市。









休斯敦有190多家生命科学和生物技术公司及学术合作机构;超过100家先进的医院和保健诊所以及多家全国一流的研究机构。另外,由于拥有雄厚技术基础设施、研究机构、商业公司市场和强大的融资实力,因此在2011版企业机构 (Business Facilities) 的生物技术增长和产能评选中,德克萨斯州位居第二。










Qui sommes-nous? C’était la première question. Il est presque impossible de réponse sur cette question. Mais nous sommes tous d’accord pour dire très courantes dans notre vie quotidienne, n’étaient pas entièrement véritablement eux-mêmes. Nous nous sommes sûrs à vie a uniquement. Lorsque nous examinons une personne pour chercher quels domaines alors, intelligence, un élément qui pourraient être mis en place pour résoudre tous les spectateurs, quelles celui-là? Certaines personnes estiment que montre un; Un autre estime que cette diamants broches. Pour d’autres encore. Dans tous les spéculations qui ont échoué, intelligence, ne sais que cette personne a dit: "je vous. Il a perdu un certain nombre». Nul ne peut nier également, à juste titre. Nous ont oublié ce véritable souvent à la quête d’une vie seulement oublié les oiseaux, comme les capturer un mante religieuse risquent, une nouvelle fois que nos propres continu au risque de courir un autre.


우리 는 평화적 으로 깨 어 날 을 견 뎌 내 고 일종 의 숭고 한 즐 겁 게 살 고 있 을 까.

우리 는 누구 일 까.그 첫 번째 문제 다.이 문제 는 거의 못 회답 했 다.그러나 우리 모두 동의 바 쁜 사용하다 는 우리 의 일상적인 활동 을 하지 않 는 전적 으로 진 정한 자아 때문 이다.해 산은 우리 다소 잃 은 순수 한 삶 을 추구 했 다.우리 들이 보 면 혼자 뛰 어 찾 아가 어떤 활동 을 슬기 로 운 사람 을 설치 할 수 있다 한 수수께끼 를 풀 관중 전부 뭐 그 명 이 길 을 잃 었 어요?일각 에서 는 한 시계;또 하나의 깜짝쇼 라 는 발 다이아몬드 브로치 까지 했 다.또 다른 사람 의 관측 이 나 온 다.모든 추측 은 이미 실패 했 을 슬기 로 운 명, 정말 그 사람 을 추구 하는 이야기 를 털 어 놔 회사: 저 는 당신 이 새 가 사 라 져 버 렸 다. 그 는 일부 을 같이 했 다.그 사람 도 없다 는 사실 을 부인 할 것 이다.그래서 우리 는 자주 잊 진짜 자신 은 생활 의 추구 를 잊 는 새 처 럼 만 추구 자체 에 걸 릴 위험 이 포착 한 마리 를 다시 한번 사마귀 매미 덜컥 자 체적 인 위험 몰 아 치기 가 또 다른 이다.


您好!那首歌的名字是:《Non, je ne regrette rien》是Edith Piaf唱的一首很经典的法文歌。


Non, je ne regretted rien的歌词

Non, je ne regrette rien 不,我一点都不后悔

Edith Piaf

Non! Rien de rien ... 不,没什麼

Non ! Je ne regrette rien 不,我一点都不后悔

Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait 无论人们对我好

Ni le mal tout ça m'est bien égal ! 或对我坏,对我来说全都一样

Non ! Rien de rien ... 不,没什麼

Non ! Je ne regrette rien... 不,我一点都不后悔

C'est payé, balayé, oublié 已付出代价了、一扫而空了、遗忘了

Je me fous du passé! 我不在乎它的逝去

Avec mes souvenirs 对於过去的回忆

J'ai allumé le feu 我付之一炬

Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs 我的忧愁,我的欢乐

Je n'ai plus besoin d'eux ! 我再也不需要它们

Balayés les amours 扫却那些爱恋

Et tous leurs trémolos 以及那些颤抖的余音

Balayés pour toujours 永远地清除

Je repars à zéro ... 我要重零开始

Non ! Rien de rien ... 不,没什麼

Non ! Je ne regrette nen ... 不,我一点都不后悔

Ni le bien, qu'on m'a fait 无论人们对我好

Ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal ! 或对我坏,对我来说都一样

Non ! Rien de rien ...不,没什麼

Non ! Je ne regrette rien ...不,我一点都不后悔

Car ma vie, car mes joies 因为我的生命、我的欢乐

Aujourd'hui, ça commence avec toi ! 从今天起,要与你一起重新开始!


No! No regrets

No! I will have no regrets

All the things

That went wrong

For at last I have learned to be strong

No! No regrets

No! I will have no regrets

For the grief doesn't last

It is gone

I've forgotten the past

And the memories I had

I no longer desire

Both the good and the bad

I have flung in a fire

And I feel in my heart

That the seed has been sown

It is something quite new

It's like nothing I've known

No! No regrets

No! I will have no regrets

All the things that went wrong

For at last I have learned to be strong

No! No regrets

No! I will have no regrets

For the seed that is new

It's the love that is growing for you



帮忙翻译一下Edith Piaf的一首歌

Non, je ne regrette rien 不,我一点都不后悔

Edith Piaf

Non! Rien de rien ... 不,没什麼

Non ! Je ne regrette rien 不,我一点都不后悔

Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait 无论人们对我好

Ni le mal tout ça m'est bien égal ! 或对我坏,对我来说全都一样

Non ! Rien de rien ... 不,没什麼

Non ! Je ne regrette rien... 不,我一点都不后悔

C'est payé, balayé, oublié 已付出代价了、一扫而空了、遗忘了

Je me fous du passé! 我不在乎它的逝去

Avec mes souvenirs 对於过去的回忆

J'ai allumé le feu 我付之一炬

Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs 我的忧愁,我的欢乐

Je n'ai plus besoin d'eux ! 我再也不需要它们

Balayés les amours 扫却那些爱恋

Et tous leurs trémolos 以及那些颤抖的余音

Balayés pour toujours 永远地清除

Je repars à zéro ... 我要重零开始

Non ! Rien de rien ... 不,没什麼

Non ! Je ne regrette nen ... 不,我一点都不后悔

Ni le bien, qu'on m'a fait 无论人们对我好

Ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal ! 或对我坏,对我来说都一样

Non ! Rien de rien ...不,没什麼

Non ! Je ne regrette rien ...不,我一点都不后悔

Car ma vie, car mes joies 因为我的生命、我的欢乐

Aujourd'hui, ça commence avec toi ! 从今天起,要与你一起重新开始!


No! No regrets

No! I will have no regrets

All the things

That went wrong

For at last I have learned to be strong

No! No regrets

No! I will have no regrets

For the grief doesn't last

It is gone

I've forgotten the past

And the memories I had

I no longer desire

Both the good and the bad

I have flung in a fire

And I feel in my heart

That the seed has been sown

It is something quite new

It's like nothing I've known

No! No regrets

No! I will have no regrets

All the things that went wrong

For at last I have learned to be strong

No! No regrets

No! I will have no regrets

For the seed that is new

It's the love that is growing for you




La Chine, en tant qu'un pays représantatif de l'orient, est très riche en culture de protocole. La culture de protocole occidentale qui est surtout celle de l'Europe et de l'Amérique date plus tard par rapport à celle de la Chine. Le peuple vivant dans l'environnement de deux culture différentes se diffère aussi dans la domaine de protocole. Au fur et mesure de l'accélération de la réforme et l'ouverture économique de la Chine, la différence entre la culture de protocole orientale et occidentale change indirectement le mode de la vie du peuple, alors c'est nécessaire pour nous de prendre connaissance de ces différences. Comment peut-on mieux les connaitre? Qu'est-ce-que l'on doit prêter l'attention? Le présent article a raconté l'histoire de développement de la culture de protocole orientale et occidentale, y compris le caractère de ces deux protocoles et les exigences fondamentales concernant la la protocole à respecter pour une communication mutuelle, surtout la différence entre les deux est bien exposée, en terminant par les influences ramenées par la protocole occidentale à la Chine et la direction de développement de ces influences. En conséquence, on est obligé de maîtriser la différence entre la protocole orientale et occidentale en les fusionnant raisonnablement, pour créer un système de protocole culturelle convenable à la société où la chine se trouve actuellement, enfin pour matérialiser une société bien harmonique.





个人感觉这里面,除了第一句à deux pas d'ici(=tout près)有点难度外,基本上学过法语的都能看懂吧。


<J'ai tout oublie>


I have all forgotten


A deux pas d'ici j'habite


It’s so near from where I live,

Peut-être est-ce ailleurs


Or maybe it’s anywhere else?

Je n'reconnais plus ma vie


I lose my way in my life

Parfois je me fais peur


Sometimes I’m afraid of myself

Je vis dans un monde


I’m living in a world

Qui n'existe pas


Which is not existed

Sans toi je n'suis plus tout à fait moi


Without you, i’m not the one I was


A deux pas d'ici j'ai égaré ce que j'étais


I’m lost, so near from here

Mon nom ne me dit rien ni la photo sur mes papiers


My name is neither a designation nor those photos in my certificates

On peut bien m'appeler un tel ou un tel


We just call each other so-and-so

Sans toi peu m'importe qui appelle


Without you, my name doesn’t matter to me .

马克 与 克里斯蒂娜(合唱)

Comment dit-on bonjour


How to say hello.

Je ne sais plus


I don’t know

Le parfum des beaux jours


Even the fragrance of the bright days

Je le sens plus


I cann’t smell

Comment fait-on l'amour


How we make love

Si j'avais su


Even if I have known it before

J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oublié


I have all forgotten while you have forgotten me.

Les mots doux de velours


Thoes honey-sweet words

Je n'écris plus


I will never write again

Et le sens de l'humour


And that sens of humour

Je l'ai perdu


I have lost it

Comment faire l'amour


How to make love

Si j'avais su


Even if I have known it before

J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oublié


I have all forgotten while you have forgotten me.

A deux pas d'ici j'ai essayé de revenir


I have tried to get new life right here

De mettre un peu d'ordre à mes idées


Put all my thoughts in order.

Les rafraîchir


To take on an altogether new aspect

Je m' suis coupé les cheveux


I have cut my hair

J'ai rasé les murs


I have smoothed the walls

Ce que je fais je n'en suis pas sûre


Those things i did,I’m not sure by myself.











je suis une fille


comme les autres




j'ai mes joies, mes peines


elles font ma vie


comme la votre


je voudrais trouver l'amour


simplement trouver l'amour


hélène, je m'appelle hélène


je suis une fille


comme les autres




si mes nuits sont pleines


de reves de poemes


je n'ai rien d'autres


je voudrais trouver l'amour


simplement trouver l'amour


et même

si j'ai ma photo dans tous les journaux

chaque semaine


personne ne m'attend le soir


quand je rentre tard


personne ne fait battre mon coeur


lorsque s'eteignent les projecteurs


hélène, je m'appelle hélène


je suis une fille


comme les autres


je voudrais trouver l'amour


simplement trouver l'amour


et même

quand à la télévous me regardez


sourire et chanter


personne ne m'attends le soir


quand je rentre tard


personne ne fait battre mon coeur


lorsque s'éteignent les projecteurs


hélène, je m'appelle hélène


je suis une fille


comme les autres






Alizée Jacotey (IPA: [a.li.ze]) (born August 21, 1984) is a French singer. Born in Ajaccio, Corsica, she goes by the stage name Alizée—the feminine form of alizé, the trade wind.[1] She was discovered by Mylène Farmer, following her winning performance in the talent show, Graines de Star,[2] in 1999. While collaborating with Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat, Alizée came up with two albums—both of which were hits inside and outside of France.

Alizée entered the music business in 2000. She has since released three studio albums - first two of which were composed by Laurent Boutonnat and written by Mylène Farmer. Her first album was Gourmandises, which received Platinum certification within three months of release. Gourmandises was a success both in France and abroad—after it had its international launch in 2001—earning Alizée the distinction of being the highest selling female French singer in 2001.[3] The album featured her most successful single "Moi... Lolita" which reached number one in several countries in Europe and East Asia. The marketing campaign around the single affixed Alizée's image as that of a seductive lolita. Gourmandises was followed by a second studio album, Mes Courants Électriques in 2003, which was also quite successful, though not as big a hit as Alizée's debut album. Following its release, Alizée toured France during the fall of 2003, performing in 43 concerts throughout France, along with Belgium and Switzerland.[4]

Alizée married fellow French singer Jérémy Chatelain in late 2003. Since her marriage she took a break from singing, but returned with a new album, titled Psychédélices on December 3, 2007.[5]

Early years

Also known by her nickname Lilly, Alizée started dancing early in her life,[6] and by age four was already proficient. A year later, she was enrolled in Corsica's renowned dance school, École du Spectacle de Monique Mufraggi, and trained there until she was 15.[7] In 1995, at the age of eleven, she won a coloring competition organized by Air Outre Mer, a former French airline now partly acquired by Swissair. Her design won first prize and was reproduced on the cabin of one of the airline's aircraft. The aircraft was subsequently named after her and for her efforts, Alizée won a trip to the Maldives.

In 1999, she appeared on the TV talent show "Graines de Star", broadcast on Métropole 6.[2] She initially intended to sign up for the programme's dance contest. However, the dance category was reserved for groups only. Alizée therefore participated in the singing category instead, performing the song Ma Prière. She went on to win the "Meilleure Graine" award for most promising young singing star of tomorrow.

Her winning performance was seen by veteran Canadian-born French pop diva Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat, who were looking for a young, fresh voice to partake in their new project. They approached Alizée and she was selected after studio auditions. The duo arranged her debut with a meticulously orchestrated launch, controlling her image and public appearances. In 2000, they produced her maiden album, Gourmandises which was a great success in France, Germany, Mexico, Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom. The first single was Moi... Lolita, which some say portrayed Alizée as a Lolita who was capable of "melting the hearts of the local male population".[3] Others recognized her great variation in tone and artistic talent. Alizee won the M6 award in 2000. She returned with a follow up album, Mes Courants Électriques, in 2003. This second album was also quite successful, though not to the same extent as Gourmandises. It was followed up with a live album of her countrywide tour.

[edit] Personal life

Even though the albums have portrayed her in a sexy, lolita-like image, Alizée had a "squeaky-clean public image as the perfect teenager" during her teens.[3] Though described as a very shy and a reserved person, she likes performing in front of audiences.[8] Although she has a singing career, Alizée prefers dancing,[8] and is quite proficient in classical dance, jazz, ballet, tap and flamenco.[9] Alizée also likes football.[10] She is a supporter of AC Ajaccio (Corsica), and was once invited to kick off one of their matches.

Alizée is actively involved in charity work through Les Enfoirés, a group of French celebrities who organize fund-raising concerts every year. The proceeds from these concerts go to Les Restaurants du Coeur. The organization, set up by French comedian Coluche, helps feed the poor. Alizée participated in these concerts in 2001, 2002 and 2008.

Alizée married fellow French singer Jérémy Chatelain, whom she met at the Eurobest awards function in 2003. They were married on November 6, 2003[citation needed] in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. The couple had their first child on April 29, 2005—a girl they named Annily (often called Anny-Lee). She currently resides in Paris, France.

[edit] Career

Alizée debuted in 2000 with the album Gourmandises. It went on to become a hit both in Europe and outside. It was followed up with a studio album in 2003, Mes Courants Électriques, and a live album—Alizée En Concert—in 2004.

Alizée has sold nearly five million albums & singles around the globe. She has taken part in various stage shows and live performances throughout Europe and Russia. She has also starred in a Japanese commercial. Though not nearly as popular in North America as she is in much of Europe, Alizée's dance from "J'en Ai Marre" was the influence for the Night Elf female dance in Blizzard Entertainment's best-selling game World of Warcraft.[11]

Following her marriage in late 2003, Alizée had taken a hiatus from singing and had avoided appearing in the media since, with her older official site being offline since summer of 2005. Her first television appearance since then was on MTV France on February 18, 2006. She resumed media appearances in the second half of 2007 for promotion of her third studio album, Psychédélices.


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