- 作者: 朕是正经人
- 来源: 51数据库
- 2023-02-13
能否告诉 Visual Studio 根据是否设置了特定的条件编译符号来输出不同名称的 exe 文件?
Can you tell Visual Studio to output a different name of an exe file depending on if a specific conditional compilation symbol is set?
由于按照 Fredrik 的建议为 assemblyname 标记定义条件似乎使 Visual Studio 变得古怪,您可以稍后在 csproj 文件中更改程序集名称.使用 Choose 元素 有点像 if 语句,所以是一个名称如果满足条件,可以附加,如下所示.
Since defining a condition to the assemblyname tag as suggested by Fredrik seems to make Visual Studio cranky, you can change the assembly name later in the csproj file. Using the Choose element is kind of like an if statement, so a name can be appended if a condition is met, demonstrated below.
从条件属性中的例如 DefineConstants 中获取子字符串似乎是不可能的(根据 MSDN) 带有plain vanilla MSBuild",但是可以定义自己的构建目标并在使用 /p:Tag=value进行编译时设置属性代码>(MSBuild 命令行参考)
Getting a substring out of for instance DefineConstants in a condition attribute does not seem possible (according to MSDN) with "plain vanilla MSBuild", but one can define their own build targets and set a property when compiling with a /p:Tag=value (MSBuild command line reference)
... <Tag>true</Tag> </PropertyGroup> <Choose> <When Condition=" '$(Tag)' == 'true' "> <PropertyGroup> <AssemblyName>$(AssemblyName).TagDefined</AssemblyName> </PropertyGroup> </When> </Choose> <ItemGroup> ...
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