

新的 .csproj 格式 - 如何将整个目录指定为“链接文件"到子目录?

  • 作者: 疯子16060641
  • 来源: 51数据库
  • 2023-02-13


使用新的 .csproj 格式(以及旧格式),可以在项目文件夹之外添加链接的文件:

With the new .csproj format (as well as the old), it is possible to add files as linked outside of the project folder:

 <EmbeddedResource Include="......DemoSample.cs" Link="ResourcesSample.cs" />

也可以使用 glob 模式来包含多个文件:

It is also possible to use a glob pattern to include multiple files:

<EmbeddedResource Include="......Demo*.cs" />


But how do you combine the two?

  1. <EmbeddedResource Include="......Demo*.cs" Link="Resources*.cs"/>
  2. <EmbeddedResource Include="......Demo*.cs" Link="Resources*"/>
  3. <EmbeddedResource Include="......Demo*.cs" Link="Resources"/>

前两个仅创建一个链接文件(分别具有确切的名称 *.cs 和 *).第三个只是出错了.

The first two only create a single linked file (with exactly the name *.cs and * respectively). The third simply errors out.

有没有办法将 globbing 与链接文件结合到目标项目中的特定位置?如果没有,如何在不知道有多少或名称的情况下链接目录中的所有文件?

Is there a way to combine globbing with linked files to a specific location in the target project? If not, how can I link all the files in a directory without knowing how many or what their names are?


虽然以前可以在使用 glob 扩展时使用 %(RecursiveDir) 元数据(Link="Resources\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)"),2.0.0版本的.NET Core SDK允许使用新的LinkBase元数据:

While this was previously possible using the %(RecursiveDir) metadata when using glob expansion ( Link="Resources\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)"), the 2.0.0 version of the .NET Core SDK allows the use of a new LinkBase metadata:

<EmbeddedResource Include="......Demo***.cs" LinkBase="Resources" />

注意,除了最近发布的 VS 2017 15.3 之外,还需要安装 2.0.0(并确保没有 global.json 选择较低的版本).

Note that you need to install the 2.0.0 in addition to the recently released VS 2017 15.3 (and ensure no global.json selects a lower version).

它是通过 this pull request 引入的,这可能是目前最好的文档.

It was introduced with this pull request which is probably the best documentation at the moment.
